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Guangdong Gongli Building Materials Co., Ltd.
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ASA sintetiese hars dakteëls

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Premium Light Blue PVC Corrugated Roofing Sheets - Durable Plastic Building Material for Aesthetically Pleasing and Weather-resistant Tejas para Techos, Ideal PVC Shingles Replacement

Premium ligblou PVC sinkplate - duursame plastiek boumateriaal vir esteties aangename en weerbestande Tejas para Techos, ideale PVC-gordelroosvervanging

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  • Premium Light Blue PVC Corrugated Roofing Sheets - Durable Plastic Building Material for Aesthetically Pleasing and Weather-resistant Tejas para Techos, Ideal PVC Shingles Replacement
  • Premium Light Blue PVC Corrugated Roofing Sheets - Durable Plastic Building Material for Aesthetically Pleasing and Weather-resistant Tejas para Techos, Ideal PVC Shingles Replacement
  • Premium Light Blue PVC Corrugated Roofing Sheets - Durable Plastic Building Material for Aesthetically Pleasing and Weather-resistant Tejas para Techos, Ideal PVC Shingles Replacement

Bekendstelling van ons Premium Ligblou PVC Geriffelde Dakplate van Model HS254– 'n duursame plastiek boumateriaal van hoë gehalte wat estetika kombineer met uitstekende weerweerstand.


Hierdie veelsydige lakens dien as ideale plaasvervangers vir PVC-gordelroos en is perfek vir villa- en huisdakprojekte. Met breedtes van 1050 mm bied dit 'n esteties aangename en veerkragtige oplossing vir verskillende argitektoniese style.

Plek van oorsprong:foshan

Model nommer:hs254

Tipe:Hoofteël - Rifteëls- ens

Kleur:Rooi,oranje,grys, vervaag, geel ens

Waarborg: 20 jaar

Lengte: Pasgemaakte lengte


Funksie: Brandvertragend

Sertifikaat:iso CE


Gebruik:Villa House Roofing

Breedte:1050 mm


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